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Uniquely Old Rare African Bush Pig/Hog/Boar Skull Mask – Fetish/Ritual Worship


This skull is of a bush pig found in Nigeria. The bush pig is also called a wild hog or boar. Paint has been added to skull drawing attention to some of the more prominent features and also adding certain fierceness to the overall impression created.

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Product Description

Bush Pig/Hog/Boar Skull Mask – Fetish/Ritual Mask

This skull is of a bush pig found in Nigeria. The bush pig is also called a wild hog or boar. Paint has been added to skull drawing attention to some of the more prominent features and also adding certain fierceness to the overall impression created.

The fact that the skull has to a certain degree been mounted and padding added to the mounting suggests that the skull was the headpiece of a masquerade. Often animal’s heads or wooden carvings depicting heads of animals are used by various men’s society in African. The animal used is often chosen for its perceived attributes such as strength, stealth, fierceness, intelligence etc. A large number of the men’s societies are secret and as such a great deal of their activity is carried out in secret.

Generally the purposes of masquerades are to teach life lessons, bridge important transitions in life such as the transition from boyhood to manhood; to protect and preserve the heritage of certain cultures and beliefs.

When seen in public their purpose is generally that of a storyteller; an upholder of moral principles and traditions; to entertain; to mourn the dead or to celebrate festivals.

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Additional Information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 34 x 15 x 10 cm


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